Our Impact

Boys & Girls Clubs in Wisconsin serve over 125,800 youth across the state every year. Our 203 sites offer programs and resources in 77 communities to kids that need it most. We provide new experiences every day that give kids hope, and 57% of alumni surveyed nationally say the Club actually saved their life.

Check out our 2024 Wisconsin Fact Sheet to see Impact kids

Check out our Social ROI on how we impact future state budgets

Boys & Girls Clubs across our state also fill the gap between school and home. Why does this matter?


 Wisconsin’s clubs serve youth across the state, in rural, suburban and urban areas, in public housing, and on Native American lands.

Clubs are open every day after school. Each club provides a safe, welcoming, and positive environment where kids and teens can participate in life-changing programs, experience an enriching environment, and build relationships with peers and caring adults.

Tangible Results

An investment in Boys & Girls Clubs goes a long way.

Financially Speaking,

An investment in Boys & Girls Clubs goes a long way. A 2015 study by the Institute for Social Research and the School of Public Health at the University of Michigan found that for every $1 invested in Wisconsin Boys & Girls Clubs, $12.46 in economic benefits return to the individual and to society.


 Annually, clubs in Wisconsin spend $105 million to provide programs that...

  • Help kids do better in school

  • Strengthen families

  • Teach kids and teens life skills

  • Build strong communities



Boys & Girls Clubs of America’s research shows that young people who attend a Club regularly tend to do better than their peers nationally. For instance: 

  • 68% of Club 12th graders volunteer at least once per month, while 39% of 12th graders nationally do so.

  • 91% of Club ninth graders report abstaining from alcohol, compared to 77% of ninth graders nationally.

  • 91% of Club ninth graders report abstaining from marijuana use vs. 85% of ninth graders nationally.

  • 27% of Club girls in middle school are physically active each day, compared with 23% of middle-school girls nationally. 42% of Club boys in middle school exercise daily, while 37% of middle-school boys nationally do so.

  • 73% of low-income Club members ages 12 to 17 who attend the Club regularly report receiving mostly As and Bs, compared to 69% of their peers nationally.

  • 12th-grade Club members are more than twice as likely to express an interest in a STEM career as 12th graders nationally (56% of 12th-grade Club members vs. 25% of 12th graders nationally).

For more information about how Boys & Girls Clubs impact kids and teens, read our National Youth Outcomes Report.