Education & Career Development
These programs help youth create aspirations for the future, providing opportunities for career exploration and educational enhancement. These programs are designed to ensure that all Club members graduate from high school on time, ready for a post-secondary education and a 21st-century career.
Participants in the Project Learn program missed 87% fewer school days when compared with non-Club youth.
Wisconsin After 3
Wisconsin After 3 is a statewide after-school program created to help improve social, academic and employment skills of low-income youth. The program focuses on study habits, intensive tutoring in math and English, and exposes youth to career options and role models.
Be GREAT: Graduate
Be GREAT: Graduate is a nationally recognized dropout prevention program designed to enhance each youth's engagement with learning by providing consistent support from caring, trusted adults. By creating a data sharing agreement with school districts, using a proven 'Check & Connect' model, and employing full-time coordinators and part-time coaches and mentors, we help members graduate from high school on time with a plan to be college-, community-, or career-ready after graduation.
STRIDE Academy
Age 6-14
STRIDE Academy is a web-based learning program that incorporates math, reading and science into a fun gaming environment. The goal of the program is to improve STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) skills among Club members in first through eighth grade.
Career Launch
Age 13-18
CareerLaunch prepares teens for the world of careers and work. Through CareerLaunch, Club teens 13-18 years old embark on a journey to explore possible vocations, make sound educational decisions and find success in the world of work.
Age 13+
diplomas2Degrees (d2D), a college readiness program, provides a range of services to guide Club members as they work toward high school graduation and prepare for post-secondary education and career success.
Summer Brain Gain
All Ages
Summer Brain Gain is comprised of one-week modules with fun, themed activities for elementary school, middle school and high school students that are aligned with common core anchor standards. In addition, Summer Brain Gain: Read!, a literacy program, complements the larger Summer Brain Gain curriculum.
Age 9-12
DIY STEM is a hands-on, activity-based STEM curriculum which connects youth to science themes they encounter regularly.
Project Learn
All Ages
Project Learn reinforces the academic enrichment and school engagement of young people during the time they spend at the Club.
Junior Staff
Age 13-18
Junior Staff is a small-group program that is both practical and user friendly. It assists Club members ages 13 to 18 in exploring a career in youth or human services, particularly Boys & Girls Club work.
Money Matters
Age 13-18
Money Matters promotes financial responsibility and independence among Club members ages 13 to 18. Participants learn how to manage a checking account, create a budget, save and invest, start small businesses and pay for college.
Power Hour
Age 6-18
Power Hour: Making Minutes Count provides Club professionals with the strategies, activities, resources and information to create an engaging homework help and tutoring program that encourages Club members of every age to become self-directed learners.
Tech Girls Rock
Age 10-18
Since 2011, CA Technologies has partnered with BGCA to deliver hands-on technology workshops for tween and teen girls to spark their interest in STEM careers.