Wisconsin clubs serve over 125,800 youth across 203 sites in 77 cities, or more than any organization outside of our public school system, and more than any other state per population. We also serve over two million meals and snacks every year at no cost, because it’s hard to learn and grow when you’re hungry. Your donation will go directly to purchasing food, acquiring supplies, paying for staff, and addressing the needs of today.




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Our Mission

To enable all young people, especially those who need opportunity the most, to reach their full potential as productive, caring, responsible adults.

Our Vision

Wisconsin clubs will provide a world-class after school experience that assures success is within reach of every young person who enters our doors, with all members on track to graduate from high school with a plan for the future, demonstrating good character and citizenship, and living a healthy lifestyle.

Our History

Back in 1860, several women in Hartford, Connecticut, believed boys had a positive alternative to roaming the streets, and the first club was born. Soon after, the Boys & Girls Clubs of Milwaukee began in 1887 as the Plymouth Boys' Club in the basement of Plymouth Congregational Church, founded by Annabell Cook Whitcomb. In 1906, several Boys Clubs decided to affiliate, forming the Federated Boys Clubs, marking the start of a nationwide Movement. Today we have new sites popping up across Wisconsin every year, including Marshfield, Rhinelander, Shawano, Reedsburg, Ripon and Neenah.



youth served at Wisconsin sites & Clubs.



meals & snacks served each year at no cost to kids.


$597 million

in economic benefits returned to communities & individuals annually.


We all benefit from investments in Boys & Girls Clubs! Invest in your community. Support the Boys & Girls Clubs of Wisconsin.



Make your voice heard. Contact local lawmakers to show your support for Boys & Girls Clubs in Wisconsin.



Donations from individuals and organizations help us fund life-changing programs for youth across the state.



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We thank our partners: